
February 6, 2025

You're thinking about passkeys wrong - Yawar Amin

Initial user sign-up

  • Don't make the user set up a password!
  • Send a magic link to their email
  • Once they click and enter the webapp, they are in a logged-in state. Prominently show a passkey setup CTA and ask the user to set up a passkey on the device.

Subsequent logins on the same device

  • Use Conditional UI to allow selecting the passkey directly from the Email input autocomplete. Browsers support this now!
  • If JavaScript disabled: instead of Conditional UI and passkey login, send a magic link

Subsequent logins on a new device

  • Send a magic link to the user's email address
  • Once they click and enter the webapp, they are in a logged-in state. Prominently show a passkey setup CTA and ask the user to set up a passkey on the device.

This is pretty clever - leverages Passkeys, only deals with the annoyance of magic email links once per device, and does away with the main problem with Passkeys: their lack of easy portability between devices/ecosystems.